CBS News
Mrs. Obama spoke to a bookstore crowd at an anything-but-typical book ... Thebook, released two weeks ago, traces the story of the garden on the South Lawn ...
CBS News
Michelle Obama receives thumbs-up from daughters on new book
Christian Science Monitor
Michelle Obama gets approval from her daughters on her book "American Grown," which traces the story of the White House garden through photographs, ...
Christian Science Monitor
Stolen Book of Mormon recovered; suspect arrested
Law enforcement authorities in the Washington D.C., area have recovered an original Book of Mormon that was stolen last month.
Thomas Pynchon in your purse: Penguin Press unleashes master of ...
New York Daily News (blog)
Celebrated and decorated novelist Thomas Pynchon kept his books from going ... to remain simply as the resolute author set in his love of physically turning the page. ... that Pynchon's full back catalog will be published in e-book editions. ... Capote ...
Google's ebook deal in France changes game for Amazon
The Driod Guy
Google had some legal issues in France with its e book department. ... copies of some bookswithout permission from the books' authors and publishers. ... This in turn slowed down the launch of the Google e books service in the whole ... all the books ...
Google Books settles French copyright lawsuit
New York Daily News (blog)
... and French Author's Association over the digitization of out-of-print books. ... A similar American suit brought by the Authors Guild and the Association of ... in your purse: Penguin Press unleashes master of paranoia in e-book editions ... Capote ...
Pynchon e-books coming out Wednesday
Atlanta Journal Constitution
NEW YORK — Another major e-book holdout has joined the digital world: Thomas Pynchon. Penquin Press announced Tuesday that the electronic editions of.
Book Talk: Michelle Obama on White House kitchen garden
Chicago Tribune
Her first book, "American Grown: The Story of the White House Kitchen Garden ... Obama, who did not accept an advance and will donate all author proceeds to ...
How My Book Became A (Self-Published) Best Seller
For more than two years, promoting my book was practically a full-time job. ... On Halloween of 2008, an auspicious day, I made the decision to self-publish. The reason for publishers' low offers was that statistics show estate planning booksdon't ...

In Praise of the Author Crush
Huffington Post (blog)
When readers talk about their literary crushes, most are referring to characters in fiction. But when I casually mentioned my longtime infatuation with author Charles ... be all about the crush these days -- man crushes, chick crushes, book crushes ...
Joe Eszterhas' book about Mel Gibson raises questions
But judging from "Heaven and Mel," his new Amazon e-book about his ill-fated attempt to write a historical action drama about the Maccabees for Mel Gibson to ...
Author Neal Stephenson's $500K Quest to Build a Better Sword Game
Author Neal Stephenson is on a quest to change that. ... to do with Subutai: createbooks, movies and video games with a singular creative vision unifying them.

Online Book Club Readmill Adds Features, Partners and Funding
Wall Street Journal (blog)
The Library feature will allow Readmill users to upload all their ebooks to the cloud from their computers and thus have them readily available on all devices that ...
Stolen Book of Mormon found; man arrested
Arizona Republic
Police have recovered an original Book of Mormon stolen from a Mesa bookstore last month and have arrested a suspect in the theft, officials said Tuesday.
Libraries, publishers at odds over access to e-books
Lexington Herald Leader
But the first-sale doctrine doesn't yet apply to e-books - the digitized versions of ... Penguin Group once sold to libraries but stopped selling new e-book titles to ... "We care about preserving the value of our authors' work, as well as helping ...
John Rocker on new book, SI piece, today
ESPN (blog)
So that's why Rocker wrote “98 percent” of the recently released book with celebrity... about six or seven chapters, and he couldn't really find the right publisher.

ESPN (blog)
Thomas Pynchon's novels will finally be released as e-books
Los Angeles Times
Thomas Pynchon's works will finally enter the e-book universe Wednesday. ... Thomas Pynchon's back catalog will be available as e-books starting Wednesday. ... He didn't want to not be part of that,” Ann Goodoff, president of his publisher, ... Pynchon ...
For author Joan Rivers, 'nothing is off-limits'
But her new comedy book, 'I Hate Everyone,' is off-limits at Costco, the 'Fashion Police' officer says proudly.

Wade's book to be released Sept. 4
Houston Chronicle
The Miami Heat guard spent much of this past offseason working on the book titled "A Father First: How My Life Became Bigger than Basketball." It talks about ...
Dedham author donating 1000 copies of his book to Lynn schools
Dedham children's author and illustrator Peter Reynolds will donate 1000 copies of his book“So Few of Me” to students in Lynn Public Schools this week.
George Washington's constitution to be auctioned
Thomas Lecky, head of Christie's books and manuscripts department, called the book "certainly on the one hand of great things" to have passed through the ...
'The Book Of Mormon' Found: Rare, First-Edition Copy Stolen From ...
Huffington Post
PHOENIX, June 12 (Reuters) - A rare, first-edition copy of the Book of ... who in 2006 published abook of her poems and planned seven more books of her work. ... Keep in mind that the articles here are penned by young authors, so please ...
Book Review: Fake Christianity C.B. Matthews
Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog)
In the book Fake Christianity author C.B. Matthews discusses this very topic and gives practical advice on how each individual can make a difference. Matthews ...
Michelle Obama gets a stamp of approval from daughters on her first ...
Washington Post
WASHINGTON — Michelle Obama gets a rare thumbs-up from her adolescent daughters for publishing her first gardening book.
In Flawed, Epic Anonymous Book, the Abyss Gazes Back
Wired News
Parmy Olson's book We Are Anonymous delves into the heart of Antisec as a way to tell the tale of the Anonymous collective. But it turns out, that's entirely the ...

Wired News
Stolen Book of Mormon Found in Washington DC
ABC News (blog)
The 182-year-old book was reported missing on May 28 by Helen Schlie, the owner of Rare and Out of Print Books and Art. The book was valued at $100000.

ABC News (blog)
Keith Urbahn on Publishing Conservative Authors | RedState
By Brad Jackson (Diary)
On today's edition of Coffee and Markets, Pejman Yousefzadeh and Kevin Holtsberry are joined by Keith Urbahn, former chief of staff to Donald Rumsfeld, to discuss his new PR firm Javelin, which is involved in book publishing from a ...
Matt Forbeck: Writing a Dozen Books This Year
By Matt Forbeck
Last year, I sat wondering what the future held for me as an author. I'd had ... Could I write abook a month? I wanted to write more fiction, not less, but no publisher would take on a dozenbooks from me in a year. The New York Times recently ran an article about how much of a big deal it is for publishers to now push their best authors for two books a year rather than one. They'd ... I could publish the books myself, sure, but that would mean going without an advance for that entire year.
The Full Feed from
John Travolta's Gay Lover Writing Tell-All Book | Radar Online
By Amber Goodhand - Radar News Editor The latest bombshell in the John Travolta sex scandal is that the pilot he had a six-year gay affair with is negotiating to reveal all the juicy details in an explosive tell-all book. Doug Gotterba was John's ...
Radar Online
Leno To Meghan McCain: Your New Book Talks About Legalizing ...
By Alex Alvarez
Columnist and author Meghan McCain stopped by Jay Leno's show Tuesday night to promote her latest book, America, You Sexy Bitch, admitting her dad, Senator John McCain, wasn't exactly thrilled with the title. And what of its ... She bemoaned the lack of cooperation and bipartisanship in Washington, sharing that it's one reason why she writes “irreverent” books about politics to attract a new breed of younger political thinkers who might be fed up with the way DC runs. When talk ...
Amazon Whispernet fees surprise author of self-published travel book
By Chris Meadows
In a story being picked up by a number of major geek or e-book blogs, such as Boing Boing or Seth Godin's Domino Project, the self-published author of an.
TeleRead: News and views on e-books,...
Melville House Books » E-book holdout Thomas Pynchon agrees to ...
By Nick Davies
The New York Times' Media Decoder blog is reporting that after refusing to get on the digital bandwagon for years, novelist Thomas Pynchon has struck a deal with his publisher, Penguin Press, to release his backlist as e-books. All eight of his ...
Melville House Books
La Bloga: International Latino Book Awards 2012 winners
By Rene Colato Lainez
Best Educational Children's Book – English FIRST PLACE The Dreamer, Pam Munóz Ryan & Peter Sis; Scholastic Books; USA Best Educational Children's Book – Spanish FIRST PLACE Letra a Letra, Angels Navarro; Editorial Combel; Spain ...
La Bloga
Patrick Nielsen Hayden Explains eBook Territorial Rights For You ...
By John Scalzi
If you ever wondered why you can get eBooks in some countries but not others (specifically as it relates to Redshirts, but also more generally) this is the post for you. ... That said, please do attempt to avoid one of the common tactics of talking about the nature of current eBook/physicalbook territorial rights distribution, which is to ignore everything that was actually just said by a person who knows the ... Authors explaining the the big ideas behind their latest works, in their own words.
Lisa Parkin: Interview With Josephine Angelini, Author of Young ...
By Lisa Parkin
Along with the rising popularity of dystopian novels in young adult fiction, Greek mythology retellings are finding their way more and more into teen books. Whether it's about Persephone, Medusa or the Furies, no Olympian or ancient myth is ...
The Full Feed from
Amazon Charges “Gigantic” Data Fees To Authors, Whiny Bitches ...
By Paul Carr
The book giant's latest crime? Charging self-published authors “gigantic” fees for deliveringebooks to buyers. Or as the Next Web puts it: “As it turns out, [Amazon's] 70% [royalty] rate doesn't include delivery costs, which can be high. ... As evidence, they cite the case of authorAndrew Hyde, whose $9.99 ebook (an 18.5MB file) was hit with over $2.50 in additional fees for delivery to Kindle users: far more than Hyde was charged for delivering the same book to Nook and iPad users .
After Long Resistance, Pynchon Allows Novels to Be Sold as E-Books
Mr. Pynchon, the author of “The Crying of Lot 49,” “Gravity's Rainbow” and “V.,” has struck a deal with the Penguin Press to publish his entire backlist in digital form. The announcement is another step toward the ubiquity of the e-book, even for authors who stubbornly resisted. A few years ago, e-book sales were tiny when compared with print sales, but in the last six months, it has not been uncommon for a new novel to sell more e-book copies than print ones. Authorswhose work is not ...
Media Decoder
Hitchhiker writing book called 'Kindness in America' shot | The ...
Publish your own activity and retain full control. To get started .... New title for the book : "The kindness of everyone in America except this one ____". Hoo Hah 1 ...
Kobo launches Writing Life, its new self-publishing platform: How ...
There is also the Apple iBooks Author program, Barnes & Noble's PubIt!, and Lulu. So what makes Kobo's Writing Life different from these competitors?
Judson, Liotta turn author frustration into enterpreneurship
Stamford Advocate
Many mystery writers are regaining the rights to long out-of-print series and ... saying they were looking for a "big book" (i.e. that elusive genre-busting best-seller). ... about a woman who had self-published on Amazon and Barnes & Noble and ...
New York Daily News (blog)
... and French Author's Association over the digitization of out-of-print books. ... A similar American suit brought by the Authors Guild and the Association of ... in your purse: Penguin Press unleashes master of paranoia in e-book editions ... Capote ...
Pynchon e-books coming out Wednesday
Atlanta Journal Constitution
NEW YORK — Another major e-book holdout has joined the digital world: Thomas Pynchon. Penquin Press announced Tuesday that the electronic editions of.
Book Talk: Michelle Obama on White House kitchen garden
Chicago Tribune
Her first book, "American Grown: The Story of the White House Kitchen Garden ... Obama, who did not accept an advance and will donate all author proceeds to ...
How My Book Became A (Self-Published) Best Seller
For more than two years, promoting my book was practically a full-time job. ... On Halloween of 2008, an auspicious day, I made the decision to self-publish. The reason for publishers' low offers was that statistics show estate planning booksdon't ...
In Praise of the Author Crush
Huffington Post (blog)
When readers talk about their literary crushes, most are referring to characters in fiction. But when I casually mentioned my longtime infatuation with author Charles ... be all about the crush these days -- man crushes, chick crushes, book crushes ...
Joe Eszterhas' book about Mel Gibson raises questions
But judging from "Heaven and Mel," his new Amazon e-book about his ill-fated attempt to write a historical action drama about the Maccabees for Mel Gibson to ...
Author Neal Stephenson's $500K Quest to Build a Better Sword Game
Author Neal Stephenson is on a quest to change that. ... to do with Subutai: createbooks, movies and video games with a singular creative vision unifying them.
Online Book Club Readmill Adds Features, Partners and Funding
Wall Street Journal (blog)
The Library feature will allow Readmill users to upload all their ebooks to the cloud from their computers and thus have them readily available on all devices that ...
Stolen Book of Mormon found; man arrested
Arizona Republic
Police have recovered an original Book of Mormon stolen from a Mesa bookstore last month and have arrested a suspect in the theft, officials said Tuesday.
Libraries, publishers at odds over access to e-books
Lexington Herald Leader
But the first-sale doctrine doesn't yet apply to e-books - the digitized versions of ... Penguin Group once sold to libraries but stopped selling new e-book titles to ... "We care about preserving the value of our authors' work, as well as helping ...
John Rocker on new book, SI piece, today
ESPN (blog)
So that's why Rocker wrote “98 percent” of the recently released book with celebrity... about six or seven chapters, and he couldn't really find the right publisher.
ESPN (blog)
Thomas Pynchon's novels will finally be released as e-books
Los Angeles Times
Thomas Pynchon's works will finally enter the e-book universe Wednesday. ... Thomas Pynchon's back catalog will be available as e-books starting Wednesday. ... He didn't want to not be part of that,” Ann Goodoff, president of his publisher, ... Pynchon ...
For author Joan Rivers, 'nothing is off-limits'
But her new comedy book, 'I Hate Everyone,' is off-limits at Costco, the 'Fashion Police' officer says proudly.
Wade's book to be released Sept. 4
Houston Chronicle
The Miami Heat guard spent much of this past offseason working on the book titled "A Father First: How My Life Became Bigger than Basketball." It talks about ...
Dedham author donating 1000 copies of his book to Lynn schools
Dedham children's author and illustrator Peter Reynolds will donate 1000 copies of his book“So Few of Me” to students in Lynn Public Schools this week.
George Washington's constitution to be auctioned
Thomas Lecky, head of Christie's books and manuscripts department, called the book "certainly on the one hand of great things" to have passed through the ...
'The Book Of Mormon' Found: Rare, First-Edition Copy Stolen From ...
Huffington Post
PHOENIX, June 12 (Reuters) - A rare, first-edition copy of the Book of ... who in 2006 published abook of her poems and planned seven more books of her work. ... Keep in mind that the articles here are penned by young authors, so please ...
Book Review: Fake Christianity C.B. Matthews
Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog)
In the book Fake Christianity author C.B. Matthews discusses this very topic and gives practical advice on how each individual can make a difference. Matthews ...
Michelle Obama gets a stamp of approval from daughters on her first ...
Washington Post
WASHINGTON — Michelle Obama gets a rare thumbs-up from her adolescent daughters for publishing her first gardening book.
In Flawed, Epic Anonymous Book, the Abyss Gazes Back
Wired News
Parmy Olson's book We Are Anonymous delves into the heart of Antisec as a way to tell the tale of the Anonymous collective. But it turns out, that's entirely the ...
Wired News
Stolen Book of Mormon Found in Washington DC
ABC News (blog)
The 182-year-old book was reported missing on May 28 by Helen Schlie, the owner of Rare and Out of Print Books and Art. The book was valued at $100000.
ABC News (blog)
Keith Urbahn on Publishing Conservative Authors | RedState
By Brad Jackson (Diary)
On today's edition of Coffee and Markets, Pejman Yousefzadeh and Kevin Holtsberry are joined by Keith Urbahn, former chief of staff to Donald Rumsfeld, to discuss his new PR firm Javelin, which is involved in book publishing from a ...
Matt Forbeck: Writing a Dozen Books This Year
By Matt Forbeck
Last year, I sat wondering what the future held for me as an author. I'd had ... Could I write abook a month? I wanted to write more fiction, not less, but no publisher would take on a dozenbooks from me in a year. The New York Times recently ran an article about how much of a big deal it is for publishers to now push their best authors for two books a year rather than one. They'd ... I could publish the books myself, sure, but that would mean going without an advance for that entire year.
The Full Feed from
John Travolta's Gay Lover Writing Tell-All Book | Radar Online
By Amber Goodhand - Radar News Editor The latest bombshell in the John Travolta sex scandal is that the pilot he had a six-year gay affair with is negotiating to reveal all the juicy details in an explosive tell-all book. Doug Gotterba was John's ...
Radar Online
Leno To Meghan McCain: Your New Book Talks About Legalizing ...
By Alex Alvarez
Columnist and author Meghan McCain stopped by Jay Leno's show Tuesday night to promote her latest book, America, You Sexy Bitch, admitting her dad, Senator John McCain, wasn't exactly thrilled with the title. And what of its ... She bemoaned the lack of cooperation and bipartisanship in Washington, sharing that it's one reason why she writes “irreverent” books about politics to attract a new breed of younger political thinkers who might be fed up with the way DC runs. When talk ...
Amazon Whispernet fees surprise author of self-published travel book
By Chris Meadows
In a story being picked up by a number of major geek or e-book blogs, such as Boing Boing or Seth Godin's Domino Project, the self-published author of an.
TeleRead: News and views on e-books,...
Melville House Books » E-book holdout Thomas Pynchon agrees to ...
By Nick Davies
The New York Times' Media Decoder blog is reporting that after refusing to get on the digital bandwagon for years, novelist Thomas Pynchon has struck a deal with his publisher, Penguin Press, to release his backlist as e-books. All eight of his ...
Melville House Books
La Bloga: International Latino Book Awards 2012 winners
By Rene Colato Lainez
Best Educational Children's Book – English FIRST PLACE The Dreamer, Pam Munóz Ryan & Peter Sis; Scholastic Books; USA Best Educational Children's Book – Spanish FIRST PLACE Letra a Letra, Angels Navarro; Editorial Combel; Spain ...
La Bloga
Patrick Nielsen Hayden Explains eBook Territorial Rights For You ...
By John Scalzi
If you ever wondered why you can get eBooks in some countries but not others (specifically as it relates to Redshirts, but also more generally) this is the post for you. ... That said, please do attempt to avoid one of the common tactics of talking about the nature of current eBook/physicalbook territorial rights distribution, which is to ignore everything that was actually just said by a person who knows the ... Authors explaining the the big ideas behind their latest works, in their own words.
Lisa Parkin: Interview With Josephine Angelini, Author of Young ...
By Lisa Parkin
Along with the rising popularity of dystopian novels in young adult fiction, Greek mythology retellings are finding their way more and more into teen books. Whether it's about Persephone, Medusa or the Furies, no Olympian or ancient myth is ...
The Full Feed from
Amazon Charges “Gigantic” Data Fees To Authors, Whiny Bitches ...
By Paul Carr
The book giant's latest crime? Charging self-published authors “gigantic” fees for deliveringebooks to buyers. Or as the Next Web puts it: “As it turns out, [Amazon's] 70% [royalty] rate doesn't include delivery costs, which can be high. ... As evidence, they cite the case of authorAndrew Hyde, whose $9.99 ebook (an 18.5MB file) was hit with over $2.50 in additional fees for delivery to Kindle users: far more than Hyde was charged for delivering the same book to Nook and iPad users .
After Long Resistance, Pynchon Allows Novels to Be Sold as E-Books
Mr. Pynchon, the author of “The Crying of Lot 49,” “Gravity's Rainbow” and “V.,” has struck a deal with the Penguin Press to publish his entire backlist in digital form. The announcement is another step toward the ubiquity of the e-book, even for authors who stubbornly resisted. A few years ago, e-book sales were tiny when compared with print sales, but in the last six months, it has not been uncommon for a new novel to sell more e-book copies than print ones. Authorswhose work is not ...
Media Decoder
Hitchhiker writing book called 'Kindness in America' shot | The ...
Publish your own activity and retain full control. To get started .... New title for the book : "The kindness of everyone in America except this one ____". Hoo Hah 1 ...
Kobo launches Writing Life, its new self-publishing platform: How ...
There is also the Apple iBooks Author program, Barnes & Noble's PubIt!, and Lulu. So what makes Kobo's Writing Life different from these competitors?
Judson, Liotta turn author frustration into enterpreneurship
Stamford Advocate
Many mystery writers are regaining the rights to long out-of-print series and ... saying they were looking for a "big book" (i.e. that elusive genre-busting best-seller). ... about a woman who had self-published on Amazon and Barnes & Noble and ...
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