What's in a name? Publishing deals, • The pen name can bring fresh opportunity ...
Bend Bulletin - Brendan Smialowski / New York Times News Service
Bend Bulletin - Brendan Smialowski / New York Times News Service
Patricia O’Brien’s sixth novel, “The Dressmaker,” was rejected 13 times, but after she shopped it around under the pen name Kate Alcott, her book sold in three days. What’s in a name? Publishing deals O'Brien and Newberg had cannily circumvented what many authors see as a modern publishing scourge — Nielsen BookScan, the subscription service that tracks booksales and is at the fingertips of every agent, editor and publisher — with a centuries-old ...
'House of Stone,' a Memoir by Anthony Shadid
New York Times
The book's searching characters and mournful tone would be moving even if a reader had no knowledge that Mr. Shadid, a correspondent for The New York Times and perhaps his generation's finest chronicler of the Middle East, died on Feb.

New York Times
'House of Stone,' a Memoir by Anthony Shadid
New York Times
The book's searching characters and mournful tone would be moving even if a reader had no knowledge that Mr. Shadid, a correspondent for The New York Times and perhaps his generation's finest chronicler of the Middle East, died on Feb.
New York Times
Jane Austen portrait on show at Bodleian Library for World Book Day
The Guardian
A newly discovered portrait claimed to be of Jane Austen, and a sampler worked in slightly wonky stitches by the author as a girl, will go on display at the Bodleian Library in Oxford for just one day to celebrate World BookDay on Thursday.

The Guardian
The Guardian
A newly discovered portrait claimed to be of Jane Austen, and a sampler worked in slightly wonky stitches by the author as a girl, will go on display at the Bodleian Library in Oxford for just one day to celebrate World BookDay on Thursday.
The Guardian
26 (UPI) -- Author Brian Selznick says he thought his children's novel "The Inventions of Hugo Cabret" couldn't be adapted for the big screen until he heard Hollywood director Martin Scorsese wanted to do it. Best known for his gritty adult dramas ...
Book review 'Watergate': Thomas Mallon's novel of Nixon's downfall
The Seattle Times
Mallon's cast of characters is vast, and the narrative maneuvers he uses to shoehorn them all into the picture feel a bit forced in the first 50 pages of the book. But once he's got his protagonists identified and in place, "Watergate" becomes a ...
BOOK WORLD bestsellers — Feb. 26, 2012
Washington Post (blog)
By Christopher Schoppa This final weekend in February (which feels on awful lot like spring) finds some new titles joining the lists — hardcover nonfiction sports two truly new books on the list ... a self-help primer focusing on improving your ...
Book News: Young adult books for all
Greenville Daily Reflector
You may not be a teenager anymore, but that doesn't mean you're too old to read greatbooks written specifically for teens. The popularity of the “Harry Potter” series by JK Rowling and the “Twilight” series by Stephanie Meyer has inspired many adults ...
Book Review | Watergate: Novel re-imagines players in scandal
Columbus Dispatch
Sign up for home delivery of The Columbus Dispatch and find out What's In It for You. Enroll in EZPay and get a free gift! Enroll now. By Margaret Quamme Plenty of nonfiction has been written about the break-in and wiretapping of the Democratic ...
Columbus Dispatch
Books: Y'all gonna love this one
Hawke's Bay Today
If it were not written in black and white at the beginning of the book I would not have picked this as a debut novel. It is quite simply superb and I can't wait to see what Beth Hoffman comes up with next. Saving CeeCee Honeycutt is not a thriller or a ...
BOOK REVIEW 'Watergate: A Novel' by Thomas Mallon
Boston Globe
This is one novel where the author had to make up very little — and, in fact, the biggest thing he did invent (Pat Nixon's secret lover) becomes an unnecessary distraction. In a scandal that richly endowed the English language — think stonewall, ...
Author's frightening fantasies set in a creepy Cleveland
Columbus Dispatch
Q: The book's title comes from a collection of covers of Disney songs, right? A: What I loved about it was that they're all covers by artists you wouldn't think of as doing children's songs, and the artists transform the songs in ways that create a ...
Columbus Dispatch
Rowling pens new book for adults
India Today
Estimated to be worth £530 million (Rs 4122.5 crore) thanks to Harry Potter, Rowling is writing her next book and it will be out later this year. But she's guarding the plot and the characters with the fierceness of the Dementors. The author's website ...
India Today
Book van to boost love of reading
Danbury News Times
Photo: Carol Kaliff / The News-Times | Buy This Photo Brightly painted walls and patterned carpets, welcoming cushions, and books and games decorate the Danbury school system's new literacy caravan. Two years in the planning, the heated and air ...
Stanger: The US should never be burning books
CNN (blog)
Is this commentator arguing for books, Koran or not, being transported to the US for what a ceremonial book burial ? Was it smart to burn the Koran especially in view of Afgans, obviously not. An atrocity hardly. Our foe kills for the slightest ...
Oscars Book Review: "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" Works Better Onscreen ...
Neon Tommy
Of all of the books made into films last year, the one you had the greatest likelihood of actually reading was the late Stieg Larsson's "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," which could be spotted in the hands of commuters on public transit with a level ...
Neon Tommy
Book Club Gold: 'The Sense of an Ending'
At 176 pages in the print version, Julian Barnes' "The Sense of an Ending" will appeal to many book clubs if only because it will spare many members from that last-minute Evelyn Wood speed reading session to see what happens at the end.
A UW-Madison graduate's new book exposes the dangers of certain yoga poses.
Wisconsin State Journal
Not so, says William J. Broad, the author of the new book “The Science of Yoga,” who reports on some startling health repercussions that threaten to give yoga a bad name. “The big surprises in researching this book,” Broad said by phone from his home ...
Gleick declares in Mann's book review (after phishing Heartland ...
By Anthony Watts
Much of the contents of the book is old news: we know about the efforts to slander/libel the work of Mann, which led to seven public formal independent reviews, each of which confirmed the accuracy of his work (described well in the book); we ...
Watts Up With That?
Philadelphia Psychologist Tamar Chansky's New Book 'Free ...
By stasiad
People are hard-wired to be cautious, says psychologist Tamar Chansky, but with one in four Americans having some sort of anxiety disorder, worry has outgrown its usefulness.
CBS Philly
Self-Publishing: Carnival of the Indies Issue #17 — The Book Designer
By Joel Friedlander
Self-Publishing: Carnival of the Indies Issue #17 including Patty Jansen, Cynthia Morris and Caitlin Muir. ... We welcome your submissions on topics related to writing, self-publishing, book design or marketing books. You'll find here a ... Ebooks and EbookReaders. Russell Phillips presents Read Whatever You Like. Just Read posted at Russell Phillips' Blog, saying, “There is a snobbery around books and particularly e-books, which I don't understand. Reading is a good thing.
The Book Designer
Book Shelves #9, 2.26.2012 | biblioklept
By Biblioklept
Stable classifications are those which, in principle, you continue to respect; provisional classifications are those supposed to last only a few days, the time it takes for a book to discover, or rediscover, its definitive place. This may be a book ... As of today, there's only one slim piece of a shelf “free”—that is, holding unsorted books waiting to be read, shelved, or, in one case, reviewed (I swear I'll make another stab at writing up Breece D'J Pancake one day . . .). These books will be ...
Qbend launches its eBooks services in India - Tech News - IBNLive
By IBNLive.com editor@ibnlive.com
US based publishing company, Qbend has launched its ebook service in India. The company is not only offering users to buy ebooks from its website but also one canpublish their books for a nominal fee. ... its website but also one can publish their booksfor a nominal fee. Using the services, customers can now buy eBooks or ElectronicBooks from a variety of Indian as well as international authors right form the Qbend store. The publications sold on Qbend are compatible with a wide ...
IBN Top Headlines
bookish: Saturday Book Discussion: Where do you go for book ...
By Inverarity
I think we tend to exaggerate the importance of Twitter and blogs when it comes to its impact on publishing; despite the growing importance of ebooks, most books are still sold in paper form, and most book buyers don't read blogs or Goodreads before buying abook. ... (The rest comes from promotion/advertising, usually by authors I am already familiar with, or else books I've decided to read for some other reason, like a series I am following, or a sudden interest in a particular topic.) ...
Chance Encounters, Human Connection, Real Books and Kindle ...
By Keith Humphreys
On we rambled to Tuchman's other books, the foreign policy of President Kennedy (Guns of August was his favorite book) and then to our own lives. It turned out that he was an orthopedic surgeon in the Army. This triggered another discussion ...
The Reality-Based Community
The Best Resources For World Book Day — March 1st | Larry ...
By Larry Ferlazzo
World Book Day is a partnership of publishers, booksellers and interested parties who work together to promote books and reading for the personal enrichment and enjoyment of all. Here are my choices for The Best Resources For World Book ...
Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...
Stanger: The U.S. should never be burning books – Global Public ...
By Amar C. Bakshi
Book burning is not something typically associated with freedom-of-speech-loving America. When books are burned in a country desperately in need of more books, where only 43% of men and 12% of women are literate, it should prompt ...
Global Public Square
By Amar C. Bakshi
Book burning is not something typically associated with freedom-of-speech-loving America. When books are burned in a country desperately in need of more books, where only 43% of men and 12% of women are literate, it should prompt ...
Global Public Square
Author event and giveaway: Joshilyn Jackson « Bermudaonion's ...
By BermudaOnion
She told me most people expect an author's first book to be autobiographical, and hers is, but it's never been published – it's in a box under her bed and will never see the light of day. Since I think she gets the South just right in her books, ...
Bermudaonion's Weblog
Talks at Google began in 2005 as the Authors@Google series to bring ... all stripes to Google for talks centering on their recently published books and to discuss ...
New JK Rowling Book: Adult Novel For Little, Brown
J.K. Rowling is writing a new book, this time for adults. ... Brown for her forthcoming novel, which will be available both in print and e-books. ... "She is one of the best storytellers in the world," said Little, Brown Publisher David Shelley. ... for the book, and Little, Brown Executive Vice President Michael Pietsch will publish in ...
J.K. Rowling is writing a new book, this time for adults. ... Brown for her forthcoming novel, which will be available both in print and e-books. ... "She is one of the best storytellers in the world," said Little, Brown Publisher David Shelley. ... for the book, and Little, Brown Executive Vice President Michael Pietsch will publish in ...
Virtual Linsanity: Jeremy Lin e-books flood the market | The Cutline ...
There are at least eight e-books about Jeremy Lin available on Amazon.com. ... The 15000-word ebook was published Tuesday, six days after Goldsher's literary ...Madison Square Garden--and is perhaps the fastest in the fledgling e-book era . ..."That's about as fast as the book publishing world can move," Ashlock said.
Rowling Returns With a New Book, This Time for Adults
By JULIE BOSMAN JK Rowling, the British author whose “Harry Potter” fantasy series ...said on Thursday it had acquired the rights to publish the book, ...
By JULIE BOSMAN JK Rowling, the British author whose “Harry Potter” fantasy series ...said on Thursday it had acquired the rights to publish the book, ...
Defied Censors, Making Racy a Literary Staple
Besides publishing Beckett, he brought early exposure to European ... only publisherto take risks, lasso avant-garde authors or print titillating material.
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