Washington Post
Checking out e-books without having to leave home — just as you would buy a title online: click and boom, there it is — might be the fastest-growing segment in the library business these days. But the experience is often far from the on-demand ...
Kindle books about Martin Luther King Jr
There are several Kindle books that will acquaint younger people with King, as well as produce memories in those of us who remember him. Dr. King did not write an autobiography, per se, but Stanford University historian Clayborne Carson compiled vast ...
There are several Kindle books that will acquaint younger people with King, as well as produce memories in those of us who remember him. Dr. King did not write an autobiography, per se, but Stanford University historian Clayborne Carson compiled vast ...
Drew Gilpin Faust: president of Harvard, Civil War scholar
The Boston Globe
The latest of her six books is “This Republic of Suffering,'' which examines the effects of the war's enormous death toll. She'll speak at the Boston Public Library as part of the Lowell Lecture Series on April 10. FAUST: I'm going to India this month. ...

The Boston Globe
Rare books, rare beauty at Peabody Essex Museum
MetroWest Daily News
At a time that eBooks, audio books, Jarbooks, blooks from blogs and wattpads threaten to leave traditional books gathering dust on library shelves, Berger has brought together an eclectic selection of “rare and storied objects'' that might make ...
Science Fiction Pioneer Homer Eon Flint Gets Second Chance at Publishing Career
Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog)
His popular science fiction books (like The Devolutionist or The Emancipatrix) have remained as pillars of the speculative fiction genre throughout the ninety plus years since their release. Aside from those successes, Flint was a well-known writer of ...
Authors, readers meet: Writers Conference 101 starts Jan. 22
Grand Forks Herald
(See “Writers Conference 101” and information about the books and authors.) This year's UND Writers Conference, March 27 to 31, will feature among its guest authors Pulitzer Prize-winner Jane Smiley and renowned poet and memoirist Mark Doty. ...
Books, TV series and movie re-release planned to mark Titanic centenary
The National
And there's also a plethora of new books promising a fresh look at the sunken liner, the extraordinary stories of those who made it back to dry land and, somewhat intriguingly, "how to survive the sinking of the Titanic" (it helped, it transpires, ...
KSOU's books get warm welcome
Business Standard
'Prasaranga', the publications division, has brought out 36 books so far and another 30 are slated for release. It is also making arrangements to release the first two volumes of the four-volume series on the history of Mysore, a mega project. ...
Owner of Pelican Publishing dies
The Daily Advertiser
Other areas of publishing include children's book, cookbooks, architecture titles, the "Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year" Series, works on Southern history and culture, Civil War scholarship, black studies and books covering Louisiana life. ...
Call her books romances, but Carr's focus is relationships
Las Vegas Review-Journal
Here are some other recently published books written by Southern Nevada authors or which deal with Southern Nevada themes. ■ "Admiral Darling" (PublishAmerica, $24.95) by Walter John Trowbridge is a romantic novel about a US Naval officer and a Dutch ...
Authors day draws local authors to library
Daily Comet
The authors sat at tables ringing the lobby of the main library branch near the Houma-Terrebonne Civic Center. Groups of readers filed in throughout the day, getting their books signed and chatting with authors. Brigett Scott, author of ...
Books on trees, chimps named to Charles Taylor short list
"You get this sea of books and you realize the incredible diversity of subject matter and writing style and publishing that is happening in Canada, that's happening in a very difficult climate," Renouf said. "You think somehow there's going to be some ...
Whetting the Literary Appetite: Books to Jump-Start Your Reading Year
Indian Country Today Media Network.com
This first indigenous science fiction anthology brings together fantastic tales from American Indian, Canadian First Nations, aboriginal Australian and New Zealand Maoriauthors into one volume. Also in March, the inimitable Gerald Vizenor arrives with ...

Indian Country Today Media Network.com
Estimated 54000 books rescued from Scientific Institute fire in Egypt
Ahram Online
An estimated 54000 books were rescued from last month's fire at the Egyptian Scientific Institute, according to Zein Abdel-Hady, Chairman of Egypt's National Library and Archives. However, 3000 are completely burnt, 20000 are being dried at Egypt's ...

Ahram Online
Titanic books flood the market
Mansfield Chad
It would be interesting to find out how many books have been published about the wreck of the Titanic, writes Bill Purdue. For all the time I have worked in libraries, we always had something to offer people whenever we had an enquiry for information ...
War of 1812 guidebook in time for bicentennial
With the rapid approach of the bicentennial of the War of 1812, there is sure to be a flood of booksthat examine that war from every conceivable angle. Depending on authors' nationalities and countries of origin of any books, we can be certain that ...
Books do justice to subjects of civil rights, racism
Winston-Salem Journal
A wonderful story about music uniting people, "When Grandmama Sings" is a great addition to the children's books that celebrate Black History Month. "The Secret River," by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, ages 4 to 8, Simon & Schuster, $19.99. ...
Books for Africa, progress in Ghana
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Cargill's man in Ghana explains how donated books are helping build a sustainable economy for its cocoa business and other operations in Africa. Patrick Pionski, Executive Director of Books for Africa, stood in the book distribution warehouse in St. ...
Free Online Books for Kids to Read
Set Piece Analysts
I am eternally grateful for so many wonderful free online books for kids that I can download for my daughter. So busy are we in our daily routine that we find it incredibly hard to remove some time for our children. Forget about spending some quality ...
New Texas books coming this spring
Texas A&M University Press is publishing "My Boys and Girls Are in There," revisiting the 1937 New London school explosion, by educator and author Ron Rozelle, timed for release in March on the 75th anniversary of the disaster ($24.95 hardcover). ...
German artist's plans to collect books likened to Nazi book burnings
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Schoeps and others have likened the plan by Czech artist Martin Zet to the Nazi burnings of an estimated 25000 books by Jewish and other authors in 1933. At issue is Zet's plan to assemble and "recycle" copies of Thilo Sarrazin's 2010 bestselling book, ...
Challenges in publishing fuel sale of McClelland & Stewart
Edmonton Journal
Although M&S maintained editorial independence from its corporate parent (and even competed against it when it came to signing authors) Random House of Canada shared support services with M&S, including sales, production, design and human resources. ...
Our Authors: Racinian pens book about how WWII changed girls' lives
Journal Times
Facebook page: Barbara Celeste McCloskey, where you can learn more about the book. If you are a recently published author and would like to be featured in "Our Authors," please contact Features Editor Ann Walter at awalter@journaltimes.com or (262) ...
Books: Local authors share their thoughts about life, faith
Fayetteville Observer
His new book is $13.95 and can be purchased from online booksellers or directly from the publisher at virtualbookworm.com (VBW Publishing, PO Box 9949, College Station, TX 77842). The founder and senior pastor of Charity Church, the Church That Christ ...
Lit Life: 6 regional prizewinners to add to your reading list
The Seattle Times
Those books are now headed to the Seattle Public Library Friends of the Library book sale, and I'm back to tell you about six books that look so interesting ... the Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association winners, announced early this month. ...

The Seattle Times
Action-packed books keep boys engaged
Muskogee Daily Phoenix
By Liz Hanley Books & More — It's the start of a new year, and no matter what your choice of reading devices, getting the guys to read is a feat. The Muskogee Public Library has some suggestions to get them started. Finding the right book that is ...
Penny Jordan
The Guardian
Penny Halsall, who has died of cancer aged 65, was a prolific writer of women's fiction, and one of Mills & Boon's most popular authors, under the pen name Penny Jordan. She wrote more than 200 books in a 30-year career and was phenomenally successful,...

The Guardian
The new economics of book publishing - One Man and His Blog
By Adam Tinworth
Amazon would give her 30% of all royalties for the 99-cent books, rising to 70% for the $2.99 editions - a much greater proportion than the traditional 10 or 15% that publishing houses award their authors. You don't have to be much of a mathematician to see the attraction of those figures: 70% of $2.99 is $2.09; 10% of a paperback priced at $9.99 is 99 cents. Multiply that by a million - last November ...You could read other posts tagged with: amazon,; ebooks,; kindle,; self- publishing ...
One Man & His Blog
12 important books for leaders - Holy Kaw!
Tweet. Media_httpdldropboxco_bxhaj. There are a lot of great books that help us move from good to great leaders—but when time is a premium, which are the best ones? Thought Leaders LLC highlights twelve of the best leadership books. ...
Holy Kaw!
As Demand For e-books Soars, Libraries Struggle to Stock Their ...
By Gary D. Price
As Demand For e-books Soars, Libraries Struggle to Stock Their Virtual Shelves. Posted on January 15, 2012 by Gary D. Price. The Washington Post has a look at an issue we're going to be reading more about throughtout the country and ...
Authors and books in 2011 (and early 2012) « Rob Jackson's Blog
By Rob Jackson
Having a Kindle led to me reading far more books, and discovering new authors, than in previous years. Also, the link with social networking sites has helped me to discover new authors and their latest creations. In general, I go for books on ...
Rob Jackson's Blog
Morning Meanderings… The Joy Of Books « Book Journey
By Sheila (Book Journey)
I don't know but I absolutely love my time spent in books. AND I get excited when I see others reading as well. College son started reading again and after we celebrated Christmas with Navy son last night, College son found a $25 Amazon gift ...
Book Journey
Daphne Anson: A Booty Of Arab Books?
By Daphne Anson
The researcher estimated that about 6000 Palestinian books are currently available at the National Library at Hebrew University. However, he claimed that many other books in Arabic, English, and French were not recorded, charging that most ...
Daphne Anson
Books Banned in Tuscon Including Rethinking School's “Rethinking ...
By millerlf
Who's afraid of “The Tempest”? Arizona's ban on ethnic studies proscribes Mexican-American history, local authors, even Shakespeare. By Jeff Biggers Friday, Jan 13, 2012 Salon.http://www.salon.com/2012/01/13/whos_afraid_of_the_tempest/ singleton/. As part of the state-mandated termination of its ethnic studies program, the Tucson Unified School District released an initial list of books to be banned from its schools today. According to district spokeperson Cara Rene, the books ...
Larry Miller's Blog: Educate...
Amazon 'rife with fake authors' plagiarizing, selling erotica
Sharazade, a prolific author who has had 20 of her stories published with mainstream publishinghouses, has discovered something quite sinister about the erotica section of Amazon's ebooks: a large majority of the self-published authors are plagiarizing content and selling it off as their own. ...There are indeed many different programs online to authenticate books and articles online, even teachers use a program to detect plagiarism in students' papers nowadays. Why not do the ...
RSS Feed - Top Digital Journal News
Annotated list of books on (South) Africa I read last year « Keet blog
By keet
The remainder of this post is an annotated list of fiction and non-fiction books, collections, and pamphlets on Africa I read in 2011, which to quite an extent had to do with availability in the nearby bookshops. Yes, I'm talking about hardcopies. Looking them up online for this post, some are out of... African Renaissance (read in part), edited by Malegapuru William Makgoba (1999, MafubePublishing). A collection of essays written in 1999 on problems and looking forward on what to do to...
Keet blog
Downloading ebooks for the ipad 2 tablet | The Good Network Blog
By noelsara566
This has led to a decline on the number of people reading books. The invention of ebooks and making them available on eReaders made it possible for everyone to have the abiltiy to read all thebooks they want without having to worry about ...
The Good Network Blog
Rob's Blog o' Stuff: Books in the Mail (W/E 2012-01-14)
By RobB
Apocalypse: (Fate of the Jedi Book Nine) by Troy Denning (Hardcover 03/13/2012 Del Rey) – Another Star Wars series comes to a close with one of the Expanded Universes best and most consistentauthors, Troy Denning. .... Workshop Manual) by Ryder Windham and illustrated by Chris Trevas and Chris Reiff (Hardcover 03/13/2012 Del Rey) – Haynes Manuals are actual real-life auto manuals, so it is quite a clever piece of publishing to release one of these things for the Falcon. ...
Rob's Blog o' Stuff
IRA Books
Books. Learn new ways to support all the learners in your classroom... Dig deeply into a ... Ourpublishing program has something for everyone! IRA members ...
Saving Egypt's precious fire-bombed books
BBC News
From this small room, a vast rescue operation is being mounted to save the ancientbooks and manuscripts, which were damaged after the country's oldest research institute - the Institut d'Egypte - was firebombed during clashes between demonstrators and ...

BBC News
Electronic books gaining in popularity
Daily American Online
"I'm going to Alaska and it's going to be good to have books on the Kindle — it will be less to keep track of." Warnick is part of an unprecedented surge in e-book sales that's changing publishing. An estimated one in five US adults are reading e ...

Daily American Online
Authors on their work
San Jose Mercury News
George discusses her work Monday at 7 pm, Books Inc., 1344 Park St., Alameda. Free. 510-522-2226, www.booksinc.net. The Genoa-born mariner has been blamed for everything from the germs that wiped out Native Americans to the looting of pre-Columbian ...
Kindle the fire to self-publishing
The Guardian
He says self-publishing can lead to greater things, and is a route for authors who are hoping to get noticed, adding: "It's not really very hard to do, so it's worth having a go. There are definitely a few publishers out there who know my name now. ...

The Guardian
Taiwan publishing industry enters digital era
Taiwan Today
“They also eliminate the problem of out-of-print books, and help readers retrieve information easily by typing in keywords.” The public and private sectors in Taiwan have both been paying attention to the increasing importance of digital publishing, ...

Taiwan Today
Master brings books back to life
Victoria Times Colonist
These are the tools and materials that master bookbinder Paul Tronson uses to bring rare booksback to life. "I've spent the past 30 years trying to bring back traditional bookbinding as an art form," said the 52-year-old. ...
'Van Gogh,' 'Hedy's Folly,' among weekend picks
The tragic life of Vincent van Gogh — whose paintings today routinely command eight and nine figures — is told in staggering detail in this new biography by the authors of the 1991 Pulitzer Prize-winning Jackson Pollock: An American Saga. ...

Authors sign letter urging council to protect Toronto Public Library
Toronto Sun
By Don Peat ,City Hall Bureau Chief The Toronto Public Library Workers Union released an open letter Friday sent to Ford and city council and signed by more than 120 local authors. Together they voiced their concern over cuts to the Toronto Public ...
Books this week: On Dear Leader and a capricious God
Los Angeles Times (blog)
They are a “glut” on the market, Kellogg writes, but she also notes that few of the authors working that parcel of the literary landscape “rise above to be seen as truly excellent.” She notes that “at her best, Melissa Pritchard belongs in that number. ...
Top Kindle books for Jan. 14, 2012
The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins continues to hold down the top three positions in Kindle ebook sales, but author Ed McBain added titles of his own to today's top 10. Hopping into the top 10 are four novels in McBain's 87th Precinct series ...
The Boston Globe
The latest of her six books is “This Republic of Suffering,'' which examines the effects of the war's enormous death toll. She'll speak at the Boston Public Library as part of the Lowell Lecture Series on April 10. FAUST: I'm going to India this month. ...
The Boston Globe
Rare books, rare beauty at Peabody Essex Museum
MetroWest Daily News
At a time that eBooks, audio books, Jarbooks, blooks from blogs and wattpads threaten to leave traditional books gathering dust on library shelves, Berger has brought together an eclectic selection of “rare and storied objects'' that might make ...
Science Fiction Pioneer Homer Eon Flint Gets Second Chance at Publishing Career
Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog)
His popular science fiction books (like The Devolutionist or The Emancipatrix) have remained as pillars of the speculative fiction genre throughout the ninety plus years since their release. Aside from those successes, Flint was a well-known writer of ...
Authors, readers meet: Writers Conference 101 starts Jan. 22
Grand Forks Herald
(See “Writers Conference 101” and information about the books and authors.) This year's UND Writers Conference, March 27 to 31, will feature among its guest authors Pulitzer Prize-winner Jane Smiley and renowned poet and memoirist Mark Doty. ...
Books, TV series and movie re-release planned to mark Titanic centenary
The National
And there's also a plethora of new books promising a fresh look at the sunken liner, the extraordinary stories of those who made it back to dry land and, somewhat intriguingly, "how to survive the sinking of the Titanic" (it helped, it transpires, ...
KSOU's books get warm welcome
Business Standard
'Prasaranga', the publications division, has brought out 36 books so far and another 30 are slated for release. It is also making arrangements to release the first two volumes of the four-volume series on the history of Mysore, a mega project. ...
Owner of Pelican Publishing dies
The Daily Advertiser
Other areas of publishing include children's book, cookbooks, architecture titles, the "Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year" Series, works on Southern history and culture, Civil War scholarship, black studies and books covering Louisiana life. ...
Call her books romances, but Carr's focus is relationships
Las Vegas Review-Journal
Here are some other recently published books written by Southern Nevada authors or which deal with Southern Nevada themes. ■ "Admiral Darling" (PublishAmerica, $24.95) by Walter John Trowbridge is a romantic novel about a US Naval officer and a Dutch ...
Authors day draws local authors to library
Daily Comet
The authors sat at tables ringing the lobby of the main library branch near the Houma-Terrebonne Civic Center. Groups of readers filed in throughout the day, getting their books signed and chatting with authors. Brigett Scott, author of ...
Books on trees, chimps named to Charles Taylor short list
"You get this sea of books and you realize the incredible diversity of subject matter and writing style and publishing that is happening in Canada, that's happening in a very difficult climate," Renouf said. "You think somehow there's going to be some ...
Whetting the Literary Appetite: Books to Jump-Start Your Reading Year
Indian Country Today Media Network.com
This first indigenous science fiction anthology brings together fantastic tales from American Indian, Canadian First Nations, aboriginal Australian and New Zealand Maoriauthors into one volume. Also in March, the inimitable Gerald Vizenor arrives with ...
Indian Country Today Media Network.com
Estimated 54000 books rescued from Scientific Institute fire in Egypt
Ahram Online
An estimated 54000 books were rescued from last month's fire at the Egyptian Scientific Institute, according to Zein Abdel-Hady, Chairman of Egypt's National Library and Archives. However, 3000 are completely burnt, 20000 are being dried at Egypt's ...
Ahram Online
Titanic books flood the market
Mansfield Chad
It would be interesting to find out how many books have been published about the wreck of the Titanic, writes Bill Purdue. For all the time I have worked in libraries, we always had something to offer people whenever we had an enquiry for information ...
War of 1812 guidebook in time for bicentennial
With the rapid approach of the bicentennial of the War of 1812, there is sure to be a flood of booksthat examine that war from every conceivable angle. Depending on authors' nationalities and countries of origin of any books, we can be certain that ...
Books do justice to subjects of civil rights, racism
Winston-Salem Journal
A wonderful story about music uniting people, "When Grandmama Sings" is a great addition to the children's books that celebrate Black History Month. "The Secret River," by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, ages 4 to 8, Simon & Schuster, $19.99. ...
Books for Africa, progress in Ghana
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Cargill's man in Ghana explains how donated books are helping build a sustainable economy for its cocoa business and other operations in Africa. Patrick Pionski, Executive Director of Books for Africa, stood in the book distribution warehouse in St. ...
Free Online Books for Kids to Read
Set Piece Analysts
I am eternally grateful for so many wonderful free online books for kids that I can download for my daughter. So busy are we in our daily routine that we find it incredibly hard to remove some time for our children. Forget about spending some quality ...
New Texas books coming this spring
Texas A&M University Press is publishing "My Boys and Girls Are in There," revisiting the 1937 New London school explosion, by educator and author Ron Rozelle, timed for release in March on the 75th anniversary of the disaster ($24.95 hardcover). ...
German artist's plans to collect books likened to Nazi book burnings
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Schoeps and others have likened the plan by Czech artist Martin Zet to the Nazi burnings of an estimated 25000 books by Jewish and other authors in 1933. At issue is Zet's plan to assemble and "recycle" copies of Thilo Sarrazin's 2010 bestselling book, ...
Challenges in publishing fuel sale of McClelland & Stewart
Edmonton Journal
Although M&S maintained editorial independence from its corporate parent (and even competed against it when it came to signing authors) Random House of Canada shared support services with M&S, including sales, production, design and human resources. ...
Our Authors: Racinian pens book about how WWII changed girls' lives
Journal Times
Facebook page: Barbara Celeste McCloskey, where you can learn more about the book. If you are a recently published author and would like to be featured in "Our Authors," please contact Features Editor Ann Walter at awalter@journaltimes.com or (262) ...
Books: Local authors share their thoughts about life, faith
Fayetteville Observer
His new book is $13.95 and can be purchased from online booksellers or directly from the publisher at virtualbookworm.com (VBW Publishing, PO Box 9949, College Station, TX 77842). The founder and senior pastor of Charity Church, the Church That Christ ...
Lit Life: 6 regional prizewinners to add to your reading list
The Seattle Times
Those books are now headed to the Seattle Public Library Friends of the Library book sale, and I'm back to tell you about six books that look so interesting ... the Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association winners, announced early this month. ...
The Seattle Times
Action-packed books keep boys engaged
Muskogee Daily Phoenix
By Liz Hanley Books & More — It's the start of a new year, and no matter what your choice of reading devices, getting the guys to read is a feat. The Muskogee Public Library has some suggestions to get them started. Finding the right book that is ...
Penny Jordan
The Guardian
Penny Halsall, who has died of cancer aged 65, was a prolific writer of women's fiction, and one of Mills & Boon's most popular authors, under the pen name Penny Jordan. She wrote more than 200 books in a 30-year career and was phenomenally successful,...
The Guardian
The new economics of book publishing - One Man and His Blog
By Adam Tinworth
Amazon would give her 30% of all royalties for the 99-cent books, rising to 70% for the $2.99 editions - a much greater proportion than the traditional 10 or 15% that publishing houses award their authors. You don't have to be much of a mathematician to see the attraction of those figures: 70% of $2.99 is $2.09; 10% of a paperback priced at $9.99 is 99 cents. Multiply that by a million - last November ...You could read other posts tagged with: amazon,; ebooks,; kindle,; self- publishing ...
One Man & His Blog
12 important books for leaders - Holy Kaw!
Tweet. Media_httpdldropboxco_bxhaj. There are a lot of great books that help us move from good to great leaders—but when time is a premium, which are the best ones? Thought Leaders LLC highlights twelve of the best leadership books. ...
Holy Kaw!
As Demand For e-books Soars, Libraries Struggle to Stock Their ...
By Gary D. Price
As Demand For e-books Soars, Libraries Struggle to Stock Their Virtual Shelves. Posted on January 15, 2012 by Gary D. Price. The Washington Post has a look at an issue we're going to be reading more about throughtout the country and ...
Authors and books in 2011 (and early 2012) « Rob Jackson's Blog
By Rob Jackson
Having a Kindle led to me reading far more books, and discovering new authors, than in previous years. Also, the link with social networking sites has helped me to discover new authors and their latest creations. In general, I go for books on ...
Rob Jackson's Blog
Morning Meanderings… The Joy Of Books « Book Journey
By Sheila (Book Journey)
I don't know but I absolutely love my time spent in books. AND I get excited when I see others reading as well. College son started reading again and after we celebrated Christmas with Navy son last night, College son found a $25 Amazon gift ...
Book Journey
Daphne Anson: A Booty Of Arab Books?
By Daphne Anson
The researcher estimated that about 6000 Palestinian books are currently available at the National Library at Hebrew University. However, he claimed that many other books in Arabic, English, and French were not recorded, charging that most ...
Daphne Anson
Books Banned in Tuscon Including Rethinking School's “Rethinking ...
By millerlf
Who's afraid of “The Tempest”? Arizona's ban on ethnic studies proscribes Mexican-American history, local authors, even Shakespeare. By Jeff Biggers Friday, Jan 13, 2012 Salon.http://www.salon.com/2012/01/13/whos_afraid_of_the_tempest/ singleton/. As part of the state-mandated termination of its ethnic studies program, the Tucson Unified School District released an initial list of books to be banned from its schools today. According to district spokeperson Cara Rene, the books ...
Larry Miller's Blog: Educate...
Amazon 'rife with fake authors' plagiarizing, selling erotica
Sharazade, a prolific author who has had 20 of her stories published with mainstream publishinghouses, has discovered something quite sinister about the erotica section of Amazon's ebooks: a large majority of the self-published authors are plagiarizing content and selling it off as their own. ...There are indeed many different programs online to authenticate books and articles online, even teachers use a program to detect plagiarism in students' papers nowadays. Why not do the ...
RSS Feed - Top Digital Journal News
Annotated list of books on (South) Africa I read last year « Keet blog
By keet
The remainder of this post is an annotated list of fiction and non-fiction books, collections, and pamphlets on Africa I read in 2011, which to quite an extent had to do with availability in the nearby bookshops. Yes, I'm talking about hardcopies. Looking them up online for this post, some are out of... African Renaissance (read in part), edited by Malegapuru William Makgoba (1999, MafubePublishing). A collection of essays written in 1999 on problems and looking forward on what to do to...
Keet blog
Downloading ebooks for the ipad 2 tablet | The Good Network Blog
By noelsara566
This has led to a decline on the number of people reading books. The invention of ebooks and making them available on eReaders made it possible for everyone to have the abiltiy to read all thebooks they want without having to worry about ...
The Good Network Blog
eclectic / eccentric: Sunday Salon: Allusions to Other Books
By Trisha
My topic for this week is: Books that Reference Books I recently finished Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey which, as many of you know, revolves around a central character with a passion for Gothic novels who allows her imagination to apply ...
eclectic / eccentric
By Trisha
My topic for this week is: Books that Reference Books I recently finished Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey which, as many of you know, revolves around a central character with a passion for Gothic novels who allows her imagination to apply ...
eclectic / eccentric
Rob's Blog o' Stuff: Books in the Mail (W/E 2012-01-14)
By RobB
Apocalypse: (Fate of the Jedi Book Nine) by Troy Denning (Hardcover 03/13/2012 Del Rey) – Another Star Wars series comes to a close with one of the Expanded Universes best and most consistentauthors, Troy Denning. .... Workshop Manual) by Ryder Windham and illustrated by Chris Trevas and Chris Reiff (Hardcover 03/13/2012 Del Rey) – Haynes Manuals are actual real-life auto manuals, so it is quite a clever piece of publishing to release one of these things for the Falcon. ...
Rob's Blog o' Stuff
IRA Books
Books. Learn new ways to support all the learners in your classroom... Dig deeply into a ... Ourpublishing program has something for everyone! IRA members ...
Saving Egypt's precious fire-bombed books
BBC News
From this small room, a vast rescue operation is being mounted to save the ancientbooks and manuscripts, which were damaged after the country's oldest research institute - the Institut d'Egypte - was firebombed during clashes between demonstrators and ...
BBC News
Electronic books gaining in popularity
Daily American Online
"I'm going to Alaska and it's going to be good to have books on the Kindle — it will be less to keep track of." Warnick is part of an unprecedented surge in e-book sales that's changing publishing. An estimated one in five US adults are reading e ...
Daily American Online
Authors on their work
San Jose Mercury News
George discusses her work Monday at 7 pm, Books Inc., 1344 Park St., Alameda. Free. 510-522-2226, www.booksinc.net. The Genoa-born mariner has been blamed for everything from the germs that wiped out Native Americans to the looting of pre-Columbian ...
Kindle the fire to self-publishing
The Guardian
He says self-publishing can lead to greater things, and is a route for authors who are hoping to get noticed, adding: "It's not really very hard to do, so it's worth having a go. There are definitely a few publishers out there who know my name now. ...
The Guardian
Taiwan publishing industry enters digital era
Taiwan Today
“They also eliminate the problem of out-of-print books, and help readers retrieve information easily by typing in keywords.” The public and private sectors in Taiwan have both been paying attention to the increasing importance of digital publishing, ...
Taiwan Today
Master brings books back to life
Victoria Times Colonist
These are the tools and materials that master bookbinder Paul Tronson uses to bring rare booksback to life. "I've spent the past 30 years trying to bring back traditional bookbinding as an art form," said the 52-year-old. ...
'Van Gogh,' 'Hedy's Folly,' among weekend picks
The tragic life of Vincent van Gogh — whose paintings today routinely command eight and nine figures — is told in staggering detail in this new biography by the authors of the 1991 Pulitzer Prize-winning Jackson Pollock: An American Saga. ...
Authors sign letter urging council to protect Toronto Public Library
Toronto Sun
By Don Peat ,City Hall Bureau Chief The Toronto Public Library Workers Union released an open letter Friday sent to Ford and city council and signed by more than 120 local authors. Together they voiced their concern over cuts to the Toronto Public ...
Books this week: On Dear Leader and a capricious God
Los Angeles Times (blog)
They are a “glut” on the market, Kellogg writes, but she also notes that few of the authors working that parcel of the literary landscape “rise above to be seen as truly excellent.” She notes that “at her best, Melissa Pritchard belongs in that number. ...
Top Kindle books for Jan. 14, 2012
The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins continues to hold down the top three positions in Kindle ebook sales, but author Ed McBain added titles of his own to today's top 10. Hopping into the top 10 are four novels in McBain's 87th Precinct series ...
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